Holtzman Vogel and NJAC File Federal Lawsuit on Behalf of StandWithUs Center Against Organizers of Antisemitic Riot in L.A.

StandWithUs Center for Legal Justice alleges CodePink, Palestinian Youth Movement and WESPAC Foundation violated federal law in violently blocking access to synagogue

Los Angeles, CA – Seven Jewish individuals, through their membership in the StandWithUs Center for Legal Justice, filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against three groups that organized a riot to violently block Jews from entering a synagogue in Los Angeles last month.

On June 23, 2024, more than 200 rioters, organized by CodePink, Palestinian Youth Movement and WESPAC Foundation, marched into the predominantly Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robertson in Los Angeles’ Westside and blocked access to the Adas Torah synagogue. Many of those rioters were armed with a variety of weapons, including bear spray. The rioters prevented worshippers from attending regularly-scheduled afternoon prayers at the Adas Torah synagogue.

The antisemitic riot at Adas Torah garnered national headlines in June along with a condemnation from national, state and local leaders, including President Joe Biden. Some rioters arrived wearing ski goggles in preparation for the violence, others wearing Hamas’s green headbands, chanting “Intifada,” and calling for indiscriminate violence against Jewish people. One of the victims filing suit was punched in the face and suffered a broken nose; another victim was blocked from entering the synagogue with his family; the others were prevented from entering the synagogue until they found a secure passage through a back alley.

“Targeting Jewish families on their way to exercise their religious freedom at a house of worship is abhorrent and has no place in modern society,” said Carly Gammill, Director of the SCLJ. “The organizers of this antisemitic riot need to learn they cannot use violence and intimidation to deprive Jews of their First Amendment rights – and that we are here to help the Jewish community ensure that our laws are enforced to their fullest extent.”

The federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act imposes civil and criminal penalties on any person who “by force or threat of force or by physical obstruction, intentionally injures, intimidates or interferes with or attempts to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person lawfully exercising or seeking to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship.” It also imposes penalties on any person who “intentionally damages or destroys the property of a place of religious worship.” The law allows private individuals who are blocked from entering their place of worship to sue for damages. The lawsuit also alleges claims under the State of California’s corollary FACE Act, which mirrors the federal statute.

“The evidence is overwhelming that these groups maliciously organized more than 200 people to deprive Jewish citizens of their First Amendment right to freedom of religion using violence and intimidation,” Mark Goldfeder, Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center said. “That’s more than 200 clear-cut violations of federal law and more than 200 clear-cut violations of state law. Those responsible for violently stopping Jewish people from entering their house of worship should face steep consequences.”

The lawsuit was filed in the Western Division of the Central District of California by Holtzman Vogel,  the National Jewish Advocacy Center, and Gipson Hoffman & Pancione. .

The Holtzman Vogel team included Jason Torchinsky, Edward Wenger, Erielle Davidson and John Cycon. 

StandWithUs Center for Legal Justice (SCLJ) is a tax-exempt membership organization that partners with the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department, a division of StandWithUs, a nonprofit education organization dedicated to supporting Israel and combating antisemitism. Comprised of students, professors, and community members, SCLJ enhances StandWithUs’ mission through impact litigation and other legal actions. This includes litigation, filing Title VI complaints with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, and utilizing all relevant legal strategies to combat antisemitism in K-12 schools, campus and the community. 

Filed complaint here:

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